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Other Transcriptions

Road to Hell

Road to Hell

From Hadestown by Anaïs Mitchell

Introductory Trombone Riff and Vamp

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Absolutely one of the shortest transcriptions I have ever done. The riff goes throughout the musicals opening number, but with only subtle variations on the two 2-bar statements above. I was listening to some suggested tracks form spotify when this came on, and went straight to write it down. Simple, but very groovy. Intentionally transcribed with additional accidentals as it is clearly derived from Bb blues scale. I personally prefer the original cast recording over the broadway, as it's a live performance. 

Call to Dance

Call to Dance

Leahy, from Leahy, 1996

Violin by Donnell Leahy

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This transcription is clearly a departure from many of the other pieces linked above. The first instrument I ever learned to play was violin, and while I eventually took another path, this piece is an example of what made me passionate about music in the first place. I saw Leahy perform several times from when I was about 9-12, and was always amazed with the speed and clarity with which they played. At the time I dreamed of playing the music they performed, but there was of course no Leahy fake book! While most of their music is derived from Cape Breton and Irish melodies, they are sigfnificantly augmented to reach their final product. Now that I have the ability to figure out this kind of music I gave it a try for fun, and came up with this transcription. I hope you enjoy.

Solo at 1:40

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